The chill of Winter, it’s still a little on the fresh side out there, isn’t it! It can be tough for people and wildlife, but it’s not all bleak – the season has a beauty all of its own. While some animals have flown south or tucked themselves away to hibernate, it’s important for our mental health, to stay connected with the natural world, even during the darkest, coldest months. Grab your camera and step out into the wintry sun and crispness or look out your window and spot the wonders of winter…
Art Inspiration;
🌨Maybe think globally and tackle an Arctic Tundra perhaps, you may wish to tie this in with global warming and its impacts.
🌨Again thinking animals and the Arctic, there are so many beautiful species you may wish to sketch or draw associated with frozen areas, Polar Bears, Arctic Hares & Foxes, etc, a great challenge 🤔
🌨Perhaps you’ve witnessed a murmuration of starlings in our skies overhead…
🌨Are you thinking of animals that go into their winter sleep those that hibernate, typically, small animals, insects, amphibians, and reptiles?
🌨Maybe you’d like to think about how you feel in the winter months and draw a mood board based on your feelings, focusing on the colours and palette of shades you’d use.
I look forward to sharing time and seeing your ideas come together. It will be a great evening of creativity! Please bring along a cuppa to warm up 😉
See you all soon 🙂
Wednesday evening, 7:30 pm UK time. Please join using the events tab on the All4Inclusion website link, scroll down, select All4Art https://www.all4inclusion.org/events