Our photography group topic this month is animals
I had to go for an x ray at Manchester MRI hospital. That’s another story. But it presented me with the perfect opportunity to go and find a friendly squirrel to take a photo of.
As I was scrolling through the park I found a good patch of grass. But I got my wheel chair stuck in the very tiny verge covered with hard mud.
I had to stay there spinning my wheels on my power chair before some kind man helped me out.
His initial thought was to push me as I span the wheels forward.
Didn’t work.
I span them back as he pulled me.
I got out. I decided to find a flatter patch of grass.
What would have happened if he wasn’t walking past?
This can happen anywhere.
I hate it when the side of my wheels hit a lump that is pretty unnoticeable. My wheelchair whiplashes around like I’ve been hit unexpectedly in a dodgem.
Pavements are a nightmare, even in the relatively flat area I live in.
Can you resonate with this?