Today we publish the latest 5-minute interview to celebrate Disability History Month. Dan Smith is a Unite the Union Rep; Trainer, Campaigner and a Disability Champion.
1. Can I start by asking you to tell us a little about yourself?
My name is Dan Smith, and I am a regional and national rep for Unite the Union where I have been pushing on campaigning for change for all people with disabilities but especially around the subject of neurodiversity and creating a community and workplace that is welcoming to all and that allows the individual to succeed no matter the challenge.

Many disabled people do not consider themselves to be disabled; do you think or yourself or describe yourself as disabled?
I do not consider myself as disabled, but I understand the need to identify as disabled. This is purely because unfortunately the workplace and some parts of our community are not where they are supposed to be in regards to accessibility and adaptations that are needed. The only way that we can push back on this is to identify as disabled so then we can use the letter of the law as leverage to help us create change
You are known as a disability campaigner, what inspired you or motivated you to become a campaigner
Yes, I am known within the neurodiverse community nationally and internationally as a campaigner for better understanding unconditioned in all areas of life ranging from early years education right through to retirement. I have pushed for change within industry such as aerospace and shipbuilding where the density of individuals who are neurodivergent is a lot higher than other areas of industry.
What inspired me to become a person with a voice was watching how my mother fought for me whilst in primary school and my early years of education but she didn't just fight for me as her son she fought for everyone. This had a great impact upon me and gave me a very early introduction into how when we all come together we actually can create change no matter how big or small the changes are, as long as it's progress in the right direction that is all that matters

Some people have said that I am a role model but personally I don't see myself as that I see myself as just yet another person trying to struggle in a system that does not work. I may not be able to read and write and process information the same way as others but I am committed to make sure my voice is heard so if this makes me a role model I will use that title to ensure that no one else ever has to go through the struggles that I have been through.
What do you think are the biggest barriers facing disabled people and preventing them from reaching their full potential and fully participating in society?
For me some of the biggest barriers that people with disabilities face is that workplace and community see the disability first not the person so unfortunately this creates a system that judges us by are disability not our ability. A lot of people are scared to have uncomfortable conversations with us to find out exactly what do we need I think it's time that people got comfortable having uncomfortable conversations on their part and listen to people with disabilities rather than tell us what we need

Can you give any examples of barriers that you have faced? Did you overcome them? If so, how?
I have faced many barriers and challenges throughout my career and schooling for example people judge me by my reading and spelling ability kind of assume that I am not intelligent enough to carry out certain roles or jobs, however after spending a period of time with me they realise that this preconception is completely false and by having someone like myself who is neurodivergent within their workforce or that community can be a great asset as we think differently and sometimes can even have the answer to a question that has never been answered
As a disabled person what is the biggest barrier either facing you or disabled people generally that you would like the new Government to take action on?
Form a heart particularly like the decision makers such as government to start looking at the pay gap between disabled workers and able bodied workers. Also it would be wonderful if we saw companies actually held to account when they directly discriminate against disabled people as we all know this isn't right but every day we get put aside because we are a problem we are an issue we just can't afford to employ you and so many other excuses that are not justified it's about time the equalities was at the forefront of the governments mind when looking at rights for people with disabilities but also when we talk about workers’ rights as well.
Do you think that the British media and the British public have an open and positive attitude towards disability and disabled people? If not, why not?

I believe there are certain pockets of the media that are really forward-looking. We are starting to see more people within the media mainstream that are disabled but it is not there yet, we still have a lot more work to do. Unfortunately sometimes this can feel to me personally, as a bit of a box ticking exercise, this isn't taking anything away from the individuals who are disabled and have achieved within the media community, it's more about the attitude and perception of others and this is critical as this is where we need to focus to create change. If you look on social media platforms you will see a higher proportion of disabled people with a stronger voice, this is because it is not governed by any board or executive that are governed by viewers numbers and shareholders
Have you heard of the ‘Social Model of Disability’ and do you agree with it?
Yes, I certainly have heard of the social model for disabilities I try and implement this wherever I can when carrying out my role as a Rep for Unite the Union as this puts the passion first which is the best place to be.

At the moment the ‘Assisted Dying Bill’ is receiving a lot of coverage in the media. What is your opinion of the bill? Do you agree with it? Do you have any concerns? Is a private members bill the best way or the correct way to change the law on such an important issue?
I don't have an opinion on this one at the moment, I still need to learn more about it